America is much more diverse, and in some ways much less conscious of that diversity, while in England being from Manchester or London is a big to-do. And the class issue is different as well -- it's more about culture, schooling, parents still in England, and here what class is to us, money is to Americans. That's my analogy, anyway.


Have you ever been offended by someone while in the U.S. Briefly explain what happened.

Not really, although some people do think that everyone from England is aristocratic, wealthy, snobbish, and like someone from "Masterpiece Theater" which gets tiresome after awhile -- that and questions like 'do you know the queen.' Or the fact that we're all either 'Hello Harry' types or cockneys, fox hunting or eating fish and chips, that sort of thing. I don't like jokes about the food, or really jokes about my country in general...
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