Samuel T. Orton in 1925. This method involves placing a patch on the non-dominant eye of the individual, active training of the non-dominant hand and refraining from listening to non-verbal music. Like the above-mentioned "treatment," this method has also been discarded by dyslexia professionals, due to the lack of hard evidence.

The most common form of treatment for dyslexia today is related to the use of special techniques which train dyslexic individuals to "rapidly and accurately identify words" which helps to build word recognition skills by "increasing the number of words (one) can recognize effortlessly and without thought." Basically, this method, i.e. "automatic word recognition," is based on the suggestion that words "are recognized by thinking about them" which makes reading "a laborious process." Overall, this method allows the individual with dyslexia to "instantly identify words without having to sound them out" which has been shown to "greatly increase reading...
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