Ideally, dramatherapy is a regular process of interacting with a group of supportive people in creative and symbolic ways. Drama is used to empower individuals and offer people a chance to have more control over their behavior and their relationships. One of Jennings' central claims is that dramatherapy can transform society. As women become less willing to play into misogynistic social roles, males will react and interact with females differently. Stereotypes about people of various ethnic or religious backgrounds can be released through dramatherapy and encounters with the "other." Similarly, we release outmoded prejudices and biased modes of thinking when we allow dramatherapy to change us.

Dramatherapy relies heavily on symbols, imagery, metaphors, and myths, according to Jennings. Drama is itself a symbol of human life: reminiscent of Shakespeare's celebration of the world as a stage in which all men and women are actors. Seeing the world as a giant...
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