They can no longer function as a team, because they have taken on the characteristics of violent animals whose only goal is to survive at any cost. They do not care that the four cannot do it alone, so they have already lost many of the important aspects of society that hold it together - a sense of teamwork and the common good.

Simon and Maurice arrived. Ralph looked at them with unwinking eyes. Simon turned away, smearing the water from his cheeks. Ralph reached inside himself for the worst word he knew. 'They let the bloody fire go out'" (Golding 77). My rewrite would be:

Simon and Maurice arrived, jubilant. Ralph greeted them with whoops and shouts. Simon turned away, wiping the water from his cheeks. Ralph reached inside himself for the best word he knew. "Jubilation," he cried, "They found us!"

Of course, this would change the entire...
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