
Did your choices provide enough folate to meet your requirement?

My folate levels were insufficient. Had I added some foods with grain, I may have been closer to the recommendations.


What are the sources of niacin in your day's meals?

My cereal had the most niacin in it at approximately 10.9 mg per 200 calories. The pastrami in my lunch sandwich was also a contributor to the niacin levels at approximately 10.7 mg per 200 calories.


What about Vitamin C? What percentage of your daily need of Vitamin C did your meals provide? Which individual foods were the main contributors? To what food groups do they belong?

My Vitamin C levels were not very good, and were somewhat reflective of my poor vitamin and nutrient intake. My recordings showed that I was roughly 20% off from the recommended amounts. The main food contributors in my intake that...
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