Competitive Pricing Pressure and Globalization

Intel's ability to execute the three platform strategy and gain market share as a result is highly dependent on growth into China and India, two nations the company faces entrenched, low-cost competitors. Specifically in China, Intel faces competitive threats from Lenovo, a household brand in that nation, and the compounded competitive challenge of AMD-based systems in these geographies (Einhorn 2006). One of Intel's strategic errors was relying purely on production efficiency to gain cost advantages to compete directly with low cost rivals. Now with a market-centered platform plan, Intel can be more selective in its responses to pricing pressure and the overall product introduction strategies. In 2006, Intel launched more products ever before in the company's history (Business Week 2007) and also specifically defined an entirely new organizational approach to responding to special pricing requests from dealers and distributors throughout their distribution channels. The result...
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