Or finally, students may have insufficient motivation to put into practice what they have learned, such as fears of making a serious mistake. (Zimmerman & Schunk, 2003, p. 444)

In the case of Jean she frequently failed because the motivation to achieve was undefined, and her inability to understand the connection between academic knowledge and achievement, through the modeling of her historical culture plagues her throughout her education.

People in the lower-lower class are largely unskilled laborers and the chronically unemployed. Life for them is a continual struggle for survival, a struggle that many of them feel they cannot win without outside help. Hollingshead says that they "give the impression of being resigned to a life of frustration and defeat in a community that despises them for their disregard of morals, lack of 'success' goals, and dire poverty" (25). (Lindgren, 1962, p. 102)

The value of her culture did much...
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