He cannot imagine killing his family and friends. Disloyalty haunts him from both directions. He would deceive his family and friends by fighting against them, but he would also deceive the Kurus by refusing to fight for their cause. He is wracked with grief over the fact that the Kuru army would even think of engaging in a war with their kinsmen.

2. What is the "embodied self"?

The "embodied self" is the self which has transcended the three characteristics of flawed mortal man. This person has risen above the flawed nature of the average person and has found balance within themselves and the universe. They practice self-discipline and humility. They have found the true self, the "embodied self," which is connected t the entire universe. These souls therefore achieve the prime goal of existence, finding the true nature of the self.

3. What might it mean to focus on...
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