Their natural capabilities and willingness to respond to the task are, however, economically constrained because African men or husbands stubbornly remain the decision-makers of the home (Bwakali).

The American woman may have remained tied to the traditional gender role of subjection to the man but the African woman is much more limited (Bwakali 2001). The American woman is economically empowered and can make her own decisions. The African woman, in contrast, has no voice or options to make. She is financially and culturally impoverished. Interventions by developed countries do not work. Imposing development strategies is superficial and does not last. The solution to the gender problems of the African woman is not found in the classroom. It can be found only in the African woman herself. She must decide to reject dependence in favor of independence and ignorance for knowledge. She must decide to begin to recognize her own person...
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