Individuals are asked to work toward those goals and values they hold while experience their thoughts and positive feelings." (Gregg et al., 2007) ACT is stated to have "shown positive outcomes for a wide variety of conditions including for chronic medical conditions, even when presented in very brief form." (Gregg, et al., 2007) Gregg et al. additionally states: "Diabetes researchers have called for the development of interventions designed to reduce diabetes-related distress in order to increase adherence with medical regimens (Melkus et al., 2003).Given this, there may be practical advantages to acceptance, mindfulness, and values-based action as a method of dealing with the psychological challenges of this chronic disease. Diabetes carries a substantial risk of disability and death, and it is reasonable for a person to respond to such threats with fear, worry, sadness, and avoidance. It can be invalidating and disempowering not to address these difficult thoughts and feelings."...
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