3. The Hero Telemachus

There are numerous features possessed by the Greek heroes. One of these features is their annexation or even relationships with the gods of the time. The characters in the Greek poems are generally simple men with exquisite qualities, but who are just as weak and mortal as all humans. This is also characteristic of Telemachus. He is a courageous man, descended from gods (he is the descendent of Hermes, from his father's side), but he is neither immortal, nor holy. His personal characteristics are revealed throughout the entire Odyssey, prominently throughout the first four chapters, or the Telemachy.

Aside from his personal characteristics and the guidance and protection of the goddess Athena, the making of the Telemachus hero is due to two interconnected elements: the magnitude of his father's heroism and the journey to find Odysseus. The journey is in fact the means of entering his...
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