10 Was the exposure intervention accurately measured?

No, we have no indication that it was accurately measured. We know that the results were hindered by water -- so those who sweat may have disabled the device or changed the result.

11 Were the relevant outcome measures ignored?

There was no analysis of the results of sexual maturity on BMI or exercise. Since all three groups could be aggregated for this portion of the study, the results might have been interesting and suggestive.

12 Are the statistical methods described?

Yes and no. We need to have an indication of the n. For each compliant subgroup, not just the total group.

13 Did untoward events occur during the study?

Yes, and the non-compliance should have been explained. Also, moving from the target of 7 days to 3 days smacks of a failed study -- either the measurement technique was too fussy, or...
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