self-absorption. This becomes a time of self-reflection and if all bodes well a time of increased creativity (Erickson & Erickson, 1997). However, should there be increasing family or financial stress, if there has been problems with their husband or children or they find themselves with looming bankruptcies, the likelihood of depression increases tremendously (Robinson,, 2001) and the maladaptations of overextension and rejectivity (Erickson & Erickson, 1997) can lead to increased depression and difficulty in coping with menopausal changes.

Other factors that can influence mood states include gender differences in the approaches to middle age / midlife. For instance it has been noted that the empty nest syndrome can be different for both men and women. Furthermore, the deeper effect of this syndrome on women depended on a large degree on their level of activity. Whether this included involvement with work or simply volunteer or community service outside the home,...
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