" (Wu, 2005)
III. INFORMATION Management as a Business FUNCTION
The work of Nancy K. Dwyer entitled: "Information Management as a Business Function" relates that many organizations primary product is 'information' and "even in manufacturing companies, many of the employees produce information which allows their factories to build and ship their products." (2005) the Business Information Model (BIM) is used by many companies to define the major business functions of the company and is a model that is divided into primary functions which include:
1) the functions needed to develop and deliver the products or services of the company; and 2) Support functions, which are the functions that are needed by companies to support the primary functions execution.
The following figure shows the Business Information Model.
Business Information Model
Source: Dwyer (2005)
Marilyn Chalupa, in a 'Book Review' of Regan and O'Connor's work entitled: "End-User Information Systems: Implementing Individual and...
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