3. 42 U.S.C.S. 13981 - the Violence Against Women Act of 1994

IV. Famous Hate Crimes

Matthew Shepard was attacked and killed by Russell Henderson and Aaron McKinney on October 12, 1998. The attack was motivated by Shepard's homosexuality.

The case brought national attention to the issue of hate crimes.

Shepard's killers were convicted of murder, but not charged with a hate crime because there was no Wyoming hate crime legislation at that time.

Brandon Teena was raped on December 24, 1993, and later murdered on December 31, 1993 by John Lotter and Marvin Nissen. Their attacks were motivated by Brandon's transgender status.

The story was the subject of the movie "Boys Don't Cry."

The criminal cases against the defendants are ongoing.

a. Nissen

1) Pled to being an accessory and testified against Lotter.

2) Received a life sentence.

3) Appealed his sentence.

4) Recanted his testimony against Lotter on...
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