And SEE-Change, a movement in Australia, which could be emulated in the U.S., claims it has a goal of "empowering" Australians to make good decisions on a local level since political leaders cannot be counted on to lead. The SEE-Change group was launched by Canberra biologist Stephen Boyden; his book the Biology of Civilization apparently provided the spark for this social change movement. The changes that need to be made, according to Boyden's book, can be accomplished through the development of "life centers."

Those life centers will fulfill three pivotal objectives, the article explains. One, they will bring concerned citizens together so they can converse and "explore the nature and scientific underpinnings of future challenges." Two, the life centers will give the local community a "venue" through which they can decide which social change actions are most appropriate. And three, these centers will, the article asserts, give communities a "new...
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