Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree 6. N/a

My check out was conducted in a fast, friendly, and efficient manner.

1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree 6. N/a

Semantic differential scale

Rate you feelings on the following aspects of your stay:

Convenience of hotel to desired destination:

Very convenient Somewhat convenient About what I expected Somewhat inconvenient Very inconvenient

Friendliness and helpfulness of hotel staff:

Very friendly and helpful Somewhat friendly and helpful No strong feelings

Not very friendly or helpful Not friendly or helpful at all

Value for quality of room and services:

Great value for money Good value for money Same as similar hotels

Poor value Extremely poor value

Quality of housekeeping -- cleanliness of rooms:

Extremely clean Very clean Somewhat clean

Not clean at all

Other housekeeping issues -- discretion, respect, service:

Extremely satisfied Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied...
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