In addition to these aspects of the training programs that fuel the unique culture of Marriott, there is also recognition of regional and local differences in customs of customers (Altinay, 2007). The combining of the externally-facing strategies for creating a community of customers and in effect recruiting them as customers is balanced with the development of a highly unique internal culture that revolves around creating tangible value for customers from inherently intangible services.


In assessing the performance e of Marriott from personal experience in addition to the cited research, it is clear that the company is strong at delivering an adequate level of customer service (Zeithami & Bitner, 2005), yet can improve in exceeding customers' expectations in the area of pleasure travel and global business travel. The company excels today in U.S. business travel, yet from experience, has shown difficulty making the transition to purely pleasure-based travel. The company's...
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