S. employer if it is incorporated or based in the United States or if it has sufficient connections with the United States. Employers operating outside the United States are covered by non-discriminatory statues only if they are controlled by a U.S. employer. U.S. employers based abroad are not required to comply with requirements if adherence to that requirement violates a law of the host country. Also, the EEOC does not do not apply to non-U.S. citizens outside the U.S. Or its territories, which means that they may be subject to treatment that might be considered discriminatory in the U.S. ("Equal Employment Opportunity Responsibilities of Multinational Employers, 2003, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).

How will continued globalization make the EEOC's job more complex and the effort for equal treatment more difficult?

Some of the specifications of the EEOC's policy, like a company having 'sufficient connections' with the U.S. To fall under EEOC...
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