.. The next day, I whipped his bare behind till the blood ran from his legs. I cut off his ears, his nose, slit his mouth... gouged his eyes out... I then stuck a knife in his belly and drank his blood... I put strips of bacon on each cheek of his behind and put them in the oven. At certain intervals, I basted his ass cheeks with a wooden spoon so the meat would be nice and juicy" ("Albert Fish," 2007, Internet). Here is an example of extreme madness, supported by the overwhelming desire to eat human flesh. One wonders why such cannibals as Fish, Kroll and Dahmer did not realize what they were doing was morally wrong. Perhaps the answer lies in what Fish once said to the police -- "I felt sure that an angel would stop me if I did anything wrong" (Ramsland, 2005, 215).

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