In conclusion, both of these planets, which are closest to the Earth in miles, are a world away in their weather and atmosphere. Mars is a desert planet of extremes that can be exceedingly cold and enormously windy, while Venus is a planet covered in clouds and extremely hot. Both planets have several weather-related events that are quite similar to Earth, but there are shocking differences, as well. As scientists continue to study the weather on these planets, they will continue to learn more about their atmospheres, storms, and other weather events. Eventually, they may discover a way for humans to survive, or at least visit these remarkable planets that are "right next door."


Borenstein, Seth. "Like Earth, Venus Has Bursts of Lightning." 2008. 1 April 2008.

Brillo. "Martian Weather." 2008. 1 April 2008.

Editors. "The Planets - Mars." 2008. 1 April 2008.
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