The Time Traveller can only believe that the Eloi and Morlock's are what are left from the human race. His adventures with them bring him no hope for the future - at least in the sense that we would have reached perfection as a society. Bergonzi notes, "The image of the 'golden age' as it has presented itself to him on his arrival has been destroyed" (Bergonzi). We read that the traveler discovers an "altogether new element in the sickening quality of the Morlocks -- a something inhuman and malign" (Wells 68). Upon watching the Morlocks work, he must abandon his original notion that the Eloi were superior beings. Instead, they are inferior and clearly the Morlock's victims. Bergonzi states that the traveler's experience underground has "shattered his previous euphoria" (Bergonzi). His shattered dream serves as a warning for the rest of us as we soar into the future thinking...
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