" (1997) According to McAdams, rational choice theorists in the 1980s "in various disciplines began to study norms." (1997) Specifically the work of Land and Cooter attempt to explain what it is that in areas of Asia, "ethnic minorities tended to dominate the middleman position in many industries." (McAdams, 1997) the conclusions of Landa and Cooter were that the "ethnically homogenous middlemen groups" are successful in nations that have no stable and reliable enforcement of legal contracts "because the groups' social connectedness gives their members a unique means of sanctioning contract breaches by other groups members" although be it means that are informal in nature. During this same time, Ellickson investigated how Stansta County, California ranchers go about settle disputes concerning property and concluded that "these ranchers enforce informal norm-based rules for disputes involving cattle trespass and boundary fences and thus resolve certain conflicts without the legal regime." (McAdams, 1997)...
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