, 2006).

Combining cognitive behavior therapy with mindfulness is called mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. In one study mindfulness-based cognitive therapy was applied to depression patients that had shown a resistance to typical cognitive behavior therapy treatment. The patients were taught mindfulness-based cognitive therapy techniques to disengage the old destructive patterns of thought that held them in a depressed state. Using mindfulness-based cognitive therapy techniques, these patients improved from their previous depression levels and some returned to nearly normal mood levels (Kenny & Williams, 2007).

A study using normal, undergraduate students compared a focused breathing technique (similar to some meditation techniques) with unfocused attention and worrying. The students were divided into three sections. Each section saw a recorded 15 minute exercise on each technique. The students were then shown a series of slides, some were neutral and some were negative. The intensity of the student's reactions to each slide was recorded. The...
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