There is no mention of any higher level ethical ideals and is composed primarily of transactional or procedural items.

One item of interest found in the employees ethical code published by Wells Fargo, is that they have established what they call EthicsLine. This allows employees to contact an investigator (employed by Wells Fargo) to report any violations of the ethics code. The line is anonymous under most circumstances; only reports that involve criminal activity are require that the caller states any personal information. This allows employees an avenue to report any unethical behavior safely. This is extraordinarily efficient way to promote ethical behavior. However, Wells Fargo did not implement this item by choice; it is now required by corporations by comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2006. Therefore, it is unclear if Wells Fargo would have this option if it was not required of them.

Ethical Violations

Wells Fargo has...
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