For some people, beating on drums and meditation is a spiritual way to experience their religion on a higher level, which releases a different understanding.

The Decameron includes a frame story about the plague in Florence in 1348, which can be explained from the following.

AN EPOCH-MAKING EVENT in the development of early Italian narrative is the canonization, thanks to the astounding success of Boccaccio Decameron, of the cornice, the framing device. The formula of the novelliere aperto, the loosely structured anthology of stories (such as the Novellino), becomes secondary to that of the novelliere chiuso, in which a meta-story encompasses all others. In contemporary developments within the genre of lyric poetry, the fragmentary collection evolves into the prosimetrum (Dante Trita nuova) and the canzoniere (Petrarch Rime). In order to monitor the progress of literary forms out of the archaic period, one must focus on the development of innovative modes...
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