Because "drugs of abuse change the brain, hijack its motivational systems and even change how its genes function," withdrawal can seem unbearable. Begley purports that changes evolving from use of addictive drugs continue long after a person stops using.

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAW, 1), sobriety-based symptoms, make sobriety challenging. Research documents that in 75-95% of recovering alcoholics tested, the presence of brain dysfunction. PAW, a bio-psycho-social syndrome, evolves from by alcohol or drugs damage to an addicted person's nervous system, along with the psycho-social stress of coping with life without using drugs or alcohol. Two things contribute to the severity of PAW:

The severity of the brain dysfunction caused by the addiction and the amount of psycho-social stress experienced in recovery. (PAW, 1)

Symptoms of PAW

Inability to think clearly Memory problems

Emotional overreactions or numbness

Sleep disturbances

Physical coordination problems

Stress sensitivity

The following stabilization techniques reportedly help...
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