(Kajuter, Baumgartner & Van, 2001, p. 37) (Hansen, Matthews, Mosconi & Sankaran, 2001, p. 33)

Business 2 Consumer (B2C)

The realistic and optimal development of the current e-music industry is the shift from illegitimate P2P exchanges to B2C exchanges that allow the artists, support systems and entire communities which rely on revenue from legitimate sales to ensure recovery of investment and potential profit. The potential for such a transition, which could ultimately reduce B2B and "middle-man" sales revenue must be balanced with other solutions but could be the ultimate saving grace of the music industry, the evolving multifaceted system of exchanges and challenges. (Dennis, Fenech & Merrilees, 2004, p. 2) Like was said in the previous section, B2C exchanges should be based largely on the technology that has driven B2B technology advances that attempt to ensure ease of use for both exchanging entities and still provide adequate security for both...
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