" (2000)

The work of George Hermanson entitled: "Paradise and Hospitality" states that hospitality "...was crucial in the world of the Bible. In a desert environment - hot days, cold nights, where food and water are scarce, hospitality literally meant the difference between life and death. Even today among the Bedouin, offering hospitality to travelers is a requirement of tribal life. Our texts this morning illustrate the place and importance of hospitality in our faith." (2008) it is related by Hermanson that the story of the Exodus in the Bible is about God's hospitality to God's people. Lost, tired, and hungry, the children of Israel are starting to lose hope in a promised land. God feeds them with quail and manna. God offers them hospitality in the desert. An act that more than restores their bodies - it restores their spirits. This image of feeding is played out in the...
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