It is important to note that the relationship between pain and anxiety is reciprocal. Painful experiences may lead to anxiety (e.g., "Something must be wrong... Increased anxiety will lead to accentuated perception of pain, which further increases the anxiety level. Obviously, potentially traumatic experiences may result unless there is some intervention in this pain-anxiety cycle. Narcotics may be helpful, but psychological interventions are quite appropriate in this regard. (King, 1991, p. 129)

5. Defining Criteria: Describe how you would know if the concept were present in a situation.

Listening to the patient and watching physical cues, such as increases pulse of BP, increased pallor, as well as listening to the patient when he or she has concerns about procedural or context questions.

6. Antecedents: Identify antecedents that you would expect to find in biological, psychological and/or social systems

Precious personal or secondary bad experiences with surgical procedures, recovery times or...
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