Apical growth may lead to shoulder pain radiating in an ulnar distribution. "The superior vena cava can become obstructed and involvement of the heart and pericardium can occur. Lymphatic obstruction and spread can lead to dyspnea, hypoxia, and pleural effusions. Distant metastatic disease can affect most organs. Neurologic symptoms may suggest brain metastases or spinal cord compression, and pain could indicate bone metastases" (Mazzone 2004).
Surgery is the usual recourse for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer Radiotherapy has been used with curative intent in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer, either in patients who cannot tolerate surgery or in those who elect not to undergo surgery. Chemoradiotherapy to shrink the tumor followed by surgery, or surgery followed by radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy may be used in more aggressive cases (Mazzone 2004).
Nursing interventions
Palliative care, through analgesics for pain, antiemetics for nausea, and antidepressants are common. "Radiotherapy can be used to...
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