Estimated Sales



Hired candidates

Average candidate annual salary

Company commission (15%)

V. Marketing Plan

The marketing plan includes pricing, the promotion, the product and the placement strategies all of which are meant to increase product/service awareness.

Pricing strategy

Despite being an innovative business concept, the Intellectual Vanity Fair is a start-up company, that doesn't enjoy product notoriety among employers. Therefore, the market entry pricing strategy will be to charge below market practices, namely 15%-20% of expected base salary of future employee, market averages being around 20%-30%. Additionally, as a guarantee of high quality services, if the hired employee leaves its position within 90 days from the hiring date, the company will find a replacement at no extra cost for the client.

Promotion strategy

The official launching will be organized at the Head Hunting Festival 2009, where the company will have a general presentation...
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