43). In The Odyssey, Jocasta demonstrates loyalty to her family by urging Odysseus to give up his pursuit for the truth. She literally begs him to stop quarrelling with Creon but he refuses to listen to her. He becomes obsessed to Jocasta's demise. When he tells his wife, "I will not listen; the truth must be made known" (Sophocles Oedipus 825), she knows that she has lost her husband. The additional cost for Jocasta will be her marriage and, finally, her life. From these situations, we learn that duty is not something that can be had for free. Even in ancient times, individuals were confronted with choices to make for or against something they believed in. These choices involve some sort of sacrifice and it does not matter when these kinds of situations occur - sacrifice is a part of life and, more importantly, a part of human character.
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