In addition to the sporadic quality levels of these laptops, doing through the build-to-order configuration process at each of the manufacturers' Acer, Apple, Dell, Gateway, HP, Lenovo and retailers' websites brought out the fact that upgrades to graphics and sound editing cards would also be critical for my ideal system configuration to work. In addition to all these factors, there were updat4es, patches and in the case of those systems sold with Microsoft XP Professional Home Edition, Service Pack Updates that would need to be carefully installed and tested with the audio and video editing applications of interest. When the Apple MacBook Air was included in the analysis it was evident that these capabilities of audio and video editing and multi-streaming were in the baseline utilities that are part of the Macintosh OS X operating system (Cohen, Dalrymple, Michaels, 2008). In addition the costs of increasing SCSI and ATA-based disk...
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