Their freedom of movement was by no means restrained by the new law and it only aimed at providing protection for them when outside their homes (idem).

Once Islam expanded into new territories, it met new cultures and borrowed some of the customs in the newly conquered regions. Two of them were the veiling of women and their confinement within the walls of their homes they took from the Byzantines and the Sasanians.

The consequence of the so called "Affair of the Lie" that involved Muhammad's favorite wife, Aisha and her and the accusations of being unfaithful that rose against her was the revelation that gave God's word in favor of her innocence, followed by some other piece of legislation in Sura 24:4 that punishes those who accuse women of not being chaste and are not able to provide four witnesses (Stowasser, 1994).

There are a few specific verses in...
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