(Freeman, 1891)

That night Louisa overheard Joe confessing his love for another. Louisa had witnessed Joe's true feelings, giving her the courage to break their engagement.

She felt like a queen" the next morning after regaining control of her domain and the rest of her life. The end of the story describes Louisa as perfectly satisfied and thankful. While she sits at her window doing needlework, she joyfully listens to the sounds of life outside. (Freeman, 1891)

Louisa is compared to an uncloistered nun because she is "prayerfully numbering her days." She looks forward to the predictability of her days alone.

The phrase "an uncloistered nun," helps the reader create an image of Louisa as celibate, solitary, and very disciplined by choice. The image works well. (Literary summaries, n.d.)


Freeman, M.E. (1891). A New England nun and other stories. New York: Harper and Bros.

Literary summaries. (n.d.). A New...
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