"Xenia is the Greek relationship between two people from different regions. This [value] allowed for the members of the relationship to safely travel into the other member's territory and receive a place to stay and something to eat" (Biggs et al. 2009). This is one reason why Penelope's suitors in the "Odyssey" are seen as especially brutal, because they violate the principles of being a good guest to a hospitable host.

The Indian hero Rama is almost always shown with a bow over his shoulder, and Odysseus is famed for his skill as an archer (Murthy 2004). However, unlike Odysseus, Rama only attacks when provoked and only engages in aggressive behavior when others are under threat, such as his beloved wife Sita by the evil monarch Ravana. Although the suitor's eating his food and wooing his wife could be considered provocation, Odysseus is overall a more aggressive figure than the...
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