In the Crimean War, she arranged for the physical set-up of the patients' beds, the discarding of the infested and soiled linens and the ensuring of good and maintained ventilation.

After the War, she advocated for social reforms, one of which was the review of the British Poor Laws. The recall of this Law initiated its amendment into the Hardy's Bill on 1867. This bill looked into the state of workhouses and infirmaries that made improvements and administration changes imperative.

She also pushed for the idea of uplifting the poor through his environment. She pressed that the poor will not feel their shortages if their surroundings are clean. She explained that illnesses will be prevented by good sanitary practices.

Florence Nightingale's Nursing Philosophy on Health

Florence believed that addressing a person's health is a critical part of the nursing practice. During the Crimean War, she used mortality rate to address...
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