The Jones case was dismissed, as the alleged conduct clearly did not meet federal standards for sexual harassment, and although Lewinsky confirmed the affair and produced evidence (an infamous blue dress with the President's semen stain on it) she said she had never been asked to lie or had been given a job in payment for her silence. Yet impeachment proceedings, rather than censoring for bad conduct (as called upon by Democrats in Congress) were instated against Bill Clinton, based upon his voluntary testimony before Starr's grand jury for Jones' spurious lawsuit and the Whitewater investigation. Votes on the final impeachment were decided on strict party grounds: On Article 1, the charge of perjury, 55 senators, including 10 Republicans and all 45 Democrats voted not guilty. On Article 3, obstruction of justice, the Senate split evenly, 50 for and 50 against the President, well beneath the two-thirds majority needed to...
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