Principals must be aware that teachers at times are and may feel isolated; that they need to know what teachers are regularly doing in their classrooms. Teachers and principals both need to be regularly sustained with quality conversation of a personal and/or professional nature (Burmeister & Hensley, 2004). This study reminded the researcher of the value of building positive relationships with classified staff and providing support for them.

Principles need to make a point to communicate with others daily. It proves valuable, the researcher learned, to enlist "office staff, yard monitors / security, maintenance/facilities people, and bus drivers as allies" (Burmeister & Hensley, 2004 ¶ 11). Learning from others in their areas of expertise helps the principle, instead of putting out fires, plan for prevention of problems.

Being the school team's facilitator, cheerleader, communicator, and caretaker of hope, presenting possibilities to overcome barriers also reduces isolation. During the process, others...
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