Green alternatives for corporations outside don't just stop at the roof though. Natural landscaping can be used to reduce irrigation requirements. Roof drainage can be reclaimed, along with storm runoff, to be used in irrigation.

For corporations that utilize refrigeration systems, these should be retrofitted to reduce or eliminate chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons, as part of corporate environmental responsibility. In their place, natural systems, utilizing ammonia or carbon dioxide, produce no ozone depleting effect nor have components associated with global warming. Central refrigeration systems should be designed for ease of disassembly, so that individual components can be replaced, as needed, instead of the entire piece of equipment needing to be replaced ("Greener'").

Both interior and exterior lighting are excellent areas to target for environmentally and ecologically ethical alternatives, for corporations in the 21st century. Light fixtures can be replaced with high-efficiency units. or, organizations may with to simply install high-efficiency bulbs...
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