While entrepreneurial accomplishment is common across all nations the ability to create and sustain value-based ecosystems as rapidly as American entrepreneurs are unique (Arbaugh, Camp, Cox, 2005).

American Entrepreneurs' Contribution to Global Innovation

Innovation in and of itself is not enough to create entirely new businesses; it is in translating innovation into unique, ingenious products and services that meet unmet needs of both consumers and businesses. The current economic downturn, it has been argued, is an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs to create disruptive innovations (Christensen, Mangelsdorf, 2009) that completely re-order market dynamics and redefine value chains in the process (Porter, 1986). Disruptive innovation as defined by Clayton Christensen is entirely dependent on small start-up companies to exist then re-order entire industries in the process (Christensen, Mangelsdorf, 2009). What is so noteworthy about the research completely by Dr. Christensen and Mangelsdorf (2009) is that the catalyst of each disruptive innovation as...
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