Interestingly, Warren argues against cohabitation because of the "conditional commitment of live-in relationships." However, many individuals prefer the conditions of cohabitation to the restrictions of a relationship that stifles individual freedom and independence. For same-sex couples, cohabitation is the only option in all but a handful of states. Social stability in Warren's point-of-view is linked to the systematic oppression of women and homosexuals.

The way Warren interprets statistics in "The Cohabitation Epidemic" is spurious. For instance, Warren fails to acknowledge the sociological changes that have led to the growing rates of cohabitation and the reduced rates of marriage. Warren does not refer to divorce statistics, and Warren does not treat cohabitation as an end in itself but only as a means to the end of marriage. Marriage and cohabitation are two different but related conditions. Marriage is a traditional social contract, whereas cohabitation is a lifestyle choice. Neither is morally...
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