As the world economy grows increasingly interconnected, the president's role as Chief Diplomat and Chief Executive will grow further intertwined.

The President is also Commander in Chief of the nation's armed forces. However, given that you are a former law professor, you know that Congress has the official power to declare war. Many Commanders-in-Chief have attempted to circumvent that power, of course, such as when Lyndon Johnson used the Gulf of Tonkin resolution to vastly expand American involvement in Vietnam. But given your respect for the Constitution, you will surely honor Congress' Constitutional role, even while you also show respect for the U.S. military, and the valiant efforts of the men and women who serve in uniform.

Your role as Chief Crisis Manager will hopefully not be a presidential 'hat' you will have to wear very often, as was the case for George Bush during 9/11 and Franklin Delano Roosevelt...
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