Ethical considerations and implication to medical practice for physicians when using the new technology of OnControl power bone marrow biopsy systems

The OnControl power bone marrow biopsy has been found to be significantly less painful than other forms of bone marrow biopsies and also more accurate which raises significant ethical questions regarding the impetus to use the product. The OnControl Bone Marrow (OBM) Biopsy System achieves this result by using a battery-powered drill to penetrate the bone, thus reducing trauma (Reed et al. 2011). Not only is OBM less traumatic; it is also more accurate, given that "the mean length of the marrow biopsy specimens," is significantly longer with the use of ONM and comparatively, side effects are no greater with the use of OBM than that of a conventional control group (Reed et al. 2011). The greater accuracy of OBM also meant that there was less of a need...
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