Nestle Sustainability

Nestle's key sustainable environmental policies are broken down into several core areas: resources, packaging, products, climate change, natural capital, information, water efficiency, training, and product life-cycle. They want to improve resource efficiency, improve packing, optimize the environmental impact of products, be a leader in climate change, examine how production impacts natural capital, provide accurate information about the environmental impact of their products and processes, improve overall water efficiency, train employees in conservation practices, and examine sustainability from all parts of the water cycle (Nestle, 2014). From a social perspective, Nestle is examining all components of the supply chain in order to implement more socially responsible practices, not just for environmental sustainability, but also in terms of human rights. This means the elimination of child labor and other questionable labor practices in the supply chain.

The initiatives relate to the company's principles, values, and culture because the stated initiative...
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