Carbohydrates and Obesity

Obesity and diabetes are diseases that are not restricted to national boundaries or culture today. These health threats are universal. In the United Kingdom recent reports put the percentage of men that are either overweight or obese at 67%, and the percentage of overweight or obese women is an estimated 57% (Boseley, 2014). Recent data shows that about one-fourth of the entire population in the United Kingdom is obese (Boseley, 2014). The Global Burden of Disease study reflects that around the globe an estimated 26% of boys and 20% of girls are either overweight or obese, Boseley writes in The Guardian.

The number of overweight and obese people in the world has "surged in the past three decades," Boseley explains; to put this surge into perspective, about 2.1 billion people on the planet are either overweight or obese -- and that is almost a third of the...
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