Pain Management of Obstetric Patients


Causes and Management Intervention

Two Sources of Pain

Pain is classified into nociceptive or neuropathic (ICEA, 2014). Nociceptive pain develops from tissue, muscle or bones. It is dull, aching, burning, stretching or beating. It crosses through mylenated nerve fibers. Neuropathic pain, on the other hand, emanates from the nerves when some damage has been inflicted on them (ICEA, 2014). It may be chronic when it is numbing, tingling or burning. Over-stimulation of the nerve fibers can damage them as in a burned-out state (ICEA),

The three stages of the birth process are antepartum or before birth, intrapartum or during delivery, and postpartum or following childbirth or delivery (ICEA, 2014).

Antepartum -- These are visceral and somatic or perineal (ICEA, 2014). Visceral pain emanates from the internal organs located in the abdominal and pelvic cavities and spreads and referred to nerve pathways....
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