Psychosocial Assessment

Describing Problem

Personal Status

Current Pattern of Use and Drug History

Substance Abuse and Treatment History

Medical History and Current Position

Family History and Present Relationships

Positive Support Structures

Crime and Law-breaking



Inclination for Treatment

Social History

Resources and Accountabilities

Mental Status Exam Narrative

Treatment Plan

Psychotic Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Drug Dependence, in sustained remission


Psychosocial Assessment


Describing Problem

William is a 35-year-old, black male. William Living in CUCS supportive housing, alcohol addiction/sober for 6 months and has PTSD. He also does not have rent money and needs employment to be able to pay the minimal rent required.

Personal Status

William is the middle of three brothers and sister. He has an older brother and a younger sister. William was born and raised in Kentucky. He moved to New York at the age of 21. He was thrown out of the...
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