Biometrics Relates to IT Security

Enterprises are more reliant on their information assets and computer systems than factory machinery or production equipment. Ironically these fixed assets of companies are protected more effectively than the main IT systems of a business. While there are a myriad of security technologies available today, biometrics shows the most potential for creating and sustaining a unified, enterprise wide security for a company's IT and information assets better than any other (Crosbie, 2005). The intent of this research design and methodology is to define the financial and operational benefits of biometrics being used as an integral component of an enterprise IT security strategy.

Biometric Components and their Implications

Implementing an enterprise-wide biometric system requires a model-centric approach over using a process-based approach to securing IT systems, information and the knowledge they deliver. Model-based biometrics are more secure and scale beyond the limits of traditional IT technologies...
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